Doing nothing, I’m still learning to take my recharge time

The key to happiness is not the career, relationship, award etc. That on it’s own is not fulfillment. I do a lot of self reflection and what I found out, is through this journey I’m coming back to my roots. Creating for the sake of creating. I am a story teller, a dancer, a writer,…

The power of meditating in the morning. It’s NOW or NEVER

Good Afternoon lovely blossoms! For the past three days I’ve been waking up early to meditate. The first day it was hard, because I didn’t see the point of it. But I’ve done this in the past when I was in elementary school, I prayed with my dad. In high school I stopped meditating, stopped…

Something new, special is on it’s way!

What a love. This day is beautiful, soft and lovely. Going with the flow, trusting God. It takes faith and courage. I am developing another characteristic, to be more objective. And putting more energy in what I want, not in what I don’t want. It’s truly putting things in perspective. Recalculating and living your life,…